Source code for cleo.ephys.lfp

"""Contains LFP signals"""
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Any
from datetime import datetime

from attrs import define, field
from brian2 import NeuronGroup, mm, ms
from brian2.monitors.spikemonitor import SpikeMonitor
import numpy as np
from nptyping import NDArray
from tklfp import TKLFP
import quantities as pq

from cleo.base import NeoExportable
from cleo.ephys.probes import Signal, Probe
import cleo.utilities

[docs]@define(eq=False) class TKLFPSignal(Signal, NeoExportable): """Records the Teleńczuk kernel LFP approximation. Requires ``tklfp_type='exc'|'inh'`` to specify cell type on injection. An ``orientation`` keyword argument can also be specified on injection, which should be an array of shape ``(n_neurons, 3)`` representing which way is "up," that is, towards the surface of the cortex, for each neuron. If a single vector is given, it is taken to be the orientation for all neurons in the group. [0, 0, -1] is the default, meaning the negative z axis is "up." As stated elsewhere, Cleo's convention is that z=0 corresponds to the cortical surface and increasing z values represent increasing depth. TKLFP is computed from spikes using the `tklfp package <>`_. """ uLFP_threshold_uV: float = 1e-3 """Threshold, in microvolts, above which the uLFP for a single spike is guaranteed to be considered, by default 1e-3. This determines the buffer length of past spikes, since the uLFP from a long-past spike becomes negligible and is ignored.""" t_ms: NDArray[(Any,), float] = field(init=False, repr=False) """Times at which LFP is recorded, in ms, stored if :attr:`~cleo.InterfaceDevice.save_history` on :attr:`~Signal.probe`""" lfp_uV: NDArray[(Any, Any), float] = field(init=False, repr=False) """Approximated LFP from every call to :meth:`get_state`. Shape is (n_samples, n_channels). Stored if :attr:`~cleo.InterfaceDevice.save_history` on :attr:`~Signal.probe`""" _elec_coords_mm: np.ndarray = field(init=False, repr=False) _tklfps: list[TKLFP] = field(init=False, factory=list, repr=False) _monitors: list[SpikeMonitor] = field(init=False, factory=list, repr=False) _mon_spikes_already_seen: list[int] = field(init=False, factory=list, repr=False) _i_buffers: list[list[np.ndarray]] = field(init=False, factory=list, repr=False) _t_ms_buffers: list[list[np.ndarray]] = field(init=False, factory=list, repr=False) _buffer_positions: list[int] = field(init=False, factory=list, repr=False)
[docs] def init_for_probe(self, probe: Probe): # inherit docstring super().init_for_probe(probe) self._elec_coords_mm = probe.coords / mm # need to invert z coords since cleo uses an inverted z axis and # tklfp does not self._elec_coords_mm[:, 2] *= -1 self._init_saved_vars()
def _init_saved_vars(self): if self.probe.save_history: self.t_ms = np.empty((0,)) self.lfp_uV = np.empty((0, self.probe.n)) def _update_saved_vars(self, t_ms, lfp_uV): if self.probe.save_history: self.t_ms = np.concatenate([self.t_ms, [t_ms]]) self.lfp_uV = np.vstack([self.lfp_uV, lfp_uV])
[docs] def connect_to_neuron_group(self, neuron_group: NeuronGroup, **kwparams): # inherit docstring # prep tklfp object tklfp_type = kwparams.pop("tklfp_type", "not given") if tklfp_type not in ["exc", "inh"]: raise Exception( "tklfp_type ('exc' or 'inh') must be passed as a keyword argument to " "inject() when injecting an electrode with a TKLFPSignal." ) orientation = kwparams.pop("orientation", np.array([[0, 0, -1]])).copy() orientation[:, 2] *= -1 tklfp = TKLFP( neuron_group.x / mm, neuron_group.y / mm, -neuron_group.z / mm, # invert neuron zs as well is_excitatory=tklfp_type == "exc", elec_coords_mm=self._elec_coords_mm, orientation=orientation, ) # determine buffer length necessary for given neuron group # if 0 (neurons are too far away to much influence LFP) # then we ignore this neuron group buf_len = self._get_buffer_length(tklfp, **kwparams) if buf_len > 0: # prep buffers self._tklfps.append(tklfp) self._i_buffers.append([np.array([], dtype=int, ndmin=1)] * buf_len) self._t_ms_buffers.append([np.array([], dtype=float, ndmin=1)] * buf_len) self._buffer_positions.append(0) # prep SpikeMonitor mon = SpikeMonitor(neuron_group) self._monitors.append(mon) self._mon_spikes_already_seen.append(0) self.brian_objects.add(mon)
[docs] def get_state(self) -> np.ndarray: tot_tklfp = 0 now_ms = / ms # loop over neuron groups (monitors, tklfps) for i_mon in range(len(self._monitors)): self._update_spike_buffer(i_mon) tot_tklfp += self._tklfp_for_monitor(i_mon, now_ms) out = np.reshape(tot_tklfp, (-1,)) # return 1D array (vector) self._update_saved_vars(now_ms, out) return out
[docs] def reset(self, **kwargs) -> None: super().reset(**kwargs) for i_mon in range(len(self._monitors)): self._reset_buffer(i_mon) self._init_saved_vars()
def _reset_buffer(self, i_mon): mon = self._monitors[i_mon] buf_len = len(self._i_buffers[i_mon]) self._i_buffers[i_mon] = [np.array([], dtype=int, ndmin=1)] * buf_len self._t_ms_buffers[i_mon] = [np.array([], dtype=float, ndmin=1)] * buf_len self._buffer_positions[i_mon] = 0 def _update_spike_buffer(self, i_mon): mon = self._monitors[i_mon] n_prev = self._mon_spikes_already_seen[i_mon] buf_pos = self._buffer_positions[i_mon] # insert new spikes into buffer (overwriting anything previous) self._i_buffers[i_mon][buf_pos] = mon.i[n_prev:] self._t_ms_buffers[i_mon][buf_pos] = mon.t[n_prev:] / ms self._mon_spikes_already_seen[i_mon] = mon.num_spikes # update buffer position buf_len = len(self._i_buffers[i_mon]) self._buffer_positions[i_mon] = (buf_pos + 1) % buf_len def _tklfp_for_monitor(self, i_mon, now_ms): i = np.concatenate(self._i_buffers[i_mon]) t_ms = np.concatenate(self._t_ms_buffers[i_mon]) return self._tklfps[i_mon].compute(i, t_ms, [now_ms]) def _get_buffer_length(self, tklfp, **kwparams): # need sampling period sample_period_ms = kwparams.get("sample_period_ms", None) if sample_period_ms is None: try: sample_period_ms = self.probe.sim.io_processor.sample_period_ms except AttributeError: # probably means sim doesn't have io_processor raise Exception( "TKLFP needs to know the sampling period. Either set the simulator's " f"IO processor before injecting {} or " f"specify it on injection: .inject({} " ", tklfp_type=..., sample_period_ms=...)" ) return np.ceil( tklfp.compute_min_window_ms(self.uLFP_threshold_uV) / sample_period_ms ).astype(int)
[docs] def to_neo(self) -> neo.AnalogSignal: # inherit docstring try: signal = cleo.utilities.analog_signal( self.t_ms, self.lfp_uV, "uV", ) except AttributeError: return = + "." + signal.description = f"Exported from Cleo {self.__class__.__name__} object" signal.annotate( # broadcast in case of uniform direction signal.array_annotate( x=self.probe.coords[..., 0] / mm *, y=self.probe.coords[..., 1] / mm *, z=self.probe.coords[..., 2] / mm *, i_channel=np.arange(self.probe.n), ) return signal